“Chavisa’s feedback gave me a much-needed push in my writing.” -Workshop Student

I believe writing can be taught, and, as writing is a craft that can continuously be improved upon.

When I look at your work, I’m going to focus on what is unique to your style in order to help you build upon the assets you already possess as a writer, but may not be aware of.

I want the writers I work with to manifest the strongest version of their individual voices.

For emerging and newer writers, I can help you move away from stylistic leanings that might be imitating other writers who have influenced you, allowing you to develop your own voice more poignantly.

For both emerging and more seasoned writers, I will provide my impressions as a reader, and notes around potential feedback from publishers, regarding overall themes of the novel or collection. I love to read, and I very much enjoy being part of creating new, compelling literature.

Creative writing is an art, and I see books as art objects. My goal is to help you create a literary art object that is well constructed and can pass the test of time, resulting in an emotional, aesthetically unique experience for the reader.